Writing an Essay for an Edited Volume: Should You?
It seems like an opportunity. But is it instead merely a temptation? I have recently had conversations with publishers in the UK and USA...
John Stackhouse
4 min read

Write Better
At this time of year, students are receiving back papers from professors with various forms of the same advice: “Please get help for your...
John Stackhouse
2 min read

When You Invite a Visiting Speaker…
Since most people who invite speakers (and the same goes for musicians, I daresay) are not themselves professional speakers, and...
John Stackhouse
4 min read
Students and Writing Tutors
I was asked recently, as I often am, to recommend the services of a professional writing coach to any of my students wanting to improve...
John Stackhouse
3 min read
Find Someone Good? Go Deeper–Notwithstanding…
In a world of voices—what seems often to be a maelstrom, even a cacophony, of competing signals—how wonderful it is to find someone...
John Stackhouse
3 min read