On Honoraria for Pastors in Weddings
Today, two e-mails on exactly the same issue from two pastors in the United States, one from the Midwest and one from Texas: Pastor #1:...
John Stackhouse
4 min read
Some Early Thoughts on the Pope’s Resignation
• As Cardinal Ratzinger, this pope had intimate knowledge of the declining years of John Paul II, even commenting at least once that that...
John Stackhouse
2 min read
“Pussy Riot” and Churchly Hypocrisy
I’ve been tweeting occasionally in disgust over the way the hierarchy of the Russian Orthodox Church has been responding to the “Pussy...
John Stackhouse
3 min read

Stop the Presses: John Piper Thinks Christianity Is Masculine
If you’re connected with the great big family known as American evangelicalism, you might have heard of pastor and author John Piper’s...
John Stackhouse
2 min read
Who You Gonna Call?
The following is my latest contribution to the “Ask John” feature of Wondering Fair, a blog led by Regent College graduates around the...
John Stackhouse
3 min read
Defining God
In a lovely note from someone in a recent audience of mine, two questions were raised. I thought you might like to read how I...
John Stackhouse
2 min read
Where Does the World Need Me?
The Cardus Centre for Cultural Renewal does lots of good things, including publishing–electronically and online–sharp-edged articles that...
John Stackhouse
1 min read
Time to Give Mark Driscoll a Sabbatical?
There’s a lot to like about what Mark Driscoll has done in his pastoral work at Mars Hill Church in Seattle. Sadly, however, there’s a...
John Stackhouse
6 min read
While I'm Awake…
Martin E. Marty, the Fairfax M. Cone Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus of the History of Modern Christianity at the Divinity...
John Stackhouse
1 min read
Why I Criticize Other Christians–and Why You Should, Too!
Okay, I’m kidding about the second part–but not much. Here’s a link to my most recent column in Faith Today that explains a few things....
John Stackhouse
1 min read
New Research on Canadian Evangelicalism
I’m on vacation for one more week and will post some new stuff after that. In the meanwhile, however, here is a link to several excellent...
John Stackhouse
1 min read
What Is a Church?
Here’s a recent e-mail: I came across an old web blog of yours that talks about parachurches (or as you call them paracongregationals). ...
John Stackhouse
5 min read
Why Pay Someone Just to Make Art?
Two people stand before two canvases. Both are painting. One deserves to be paid, the other doesn’t. Why? This article is a particularly...
John Stackhouse
1 min read
Not Right Now, Please: I'm . . .
A friend of mine recently sent me an e-mail as he was preparing a speech: “If you had to choose one issue that we Christians face as we...
John Stackhouse
2 min read
Oh, Boy, Is This Clip Right on Target…
BOOM goes the typical “cool” church service: check it out here. (Is nothing sacred? Not even edgy, contemporvant [sic] church services?)...
John Stackhouse
1 min read
"Hate the Sin, but Love the Sinner"? We're Not Ready for That
I’m now completing a quarter-century of journalism, having started writing for Christianity Today magazine, the late, lamented TSF...
John Stackhouse
2 min read
From Visitor to Participant: What Can We Do?
This is a post for churchpeople, so I recognize not every regular reader of this blog will care about the following discussion. You’ve...
John Stackhouse
1 min read
A Trial Begins
Monday morning, May 25, a trial begins that will make history in Canada with reverberations for the worldwide Anglican Communion. Four...
John Stackhouse
2 min read
And Now It's Time to Be Quiet
After all the excitement generated by my last two posts, it’s time for something completely different. One correspondent sent along the...
John Stackhouse
2 min read