Dangerous Dreaming
Why Dig in? Clues to the Liberals’ Stubbornness over the Summer Jobs Program
Face Coverings in Public? Civil Rights Aren’t Enough
I Don’t Like Niqabs and Burqas — but They Should Be Legal
Keeping Relationships in an “Unfriending” World
Race and Racism: Waking Up, Again, to the Obvious
Why Can’t Colin Kaepernick Get Hired? Taylor Swift Provides an Answer
Another Scandal: Why Are We Still Surprised?
Polygamy: Forbidden Once Again—but for How Much Longer?
Anti-Americanism: Insecurity? Paranoia? Racism?
Are There Any (Real) Liberals Left?
Faith, Foolishness, and Fanaticism
A Dash of Cold Water for Christian Anarchism
Taking a Break from Trump
The Royal Family and the Choice between Duty and Love
Beware the Politicians Crying, “Hijab! Hijab!”
Evangelicals, Elites, and Alternative Facts
Should Muslims Pray in School? Should Muslims Even Go to School?
Mike Pence and the Liberal Moral Police
The Cost of Free Speech on Campus