John Stackhouse
4 min read
Where Is the Final List of Christian Virtues?
I teach Christian ethics, among other subjects, and I have found that trying to properly introduce the virtues is always an unsatisfying...

John Stackhouse
3 min read
The Americanness of CRT Outrage
As a Canadian with a nodding acquaintance of things American (I pursued graduate studies including American religious history at Wheaton...

John Stackhouse
7 min read
Is that why Christians are in the world?
Did Jesus really die on a cross merely to inspire honorable, but otherwise unremarkable, lives?

John Stackhouse
3 min read
First Nations and Canada's Priorities
Reasonable people of good will can be understandably confused about some of the knottier questions regarding native land claims,...

John Stackhouse
1 min read
The Beatitudes by Way of Deuteronomy
Scholars of the Bible recognize the pattern of blessing + cursing in the Book of Deuteronomy. As Jesus gave his Beatitudes, I wonder if...

John Stackhouse
5 min read
Civil Disobedience for Christians
Even the movements under Gandhi and King provoked tremendous violence and highly ambiguous outcomes

John Stackhouse
2 min read
When Theological Disputation Is Too Much…
Observation: If you hear the first nine, it doesn’t matter about the tenth.
The conversation is already over.
Only politics remains.

John Stackhouse
2 min read
Throw Away All Your Ravi Zacharias Books? Or All Your Luther?
A friend grieves the news of a report on Ravi Zacharias’s awful sins. And there are more on the public record now that don’t show up in...

John Stackhouse
2 min read
Churches and COVID-19
I’ve held fire on this subject until now. But a number of folk have asked me to comment, and the court cases are increasing across...

John Stackhouse
3 min read
Why I Attack Certain Public Figures
A couple of friends have asked me why I’m uncharacteristically mordant about certain people I have dealt with on social media. These...

John Stackhouse
11 min read
The Seven Deadly Signs
Ministries that Think They Can Do No Financial Wrong Are Deceiving Themselves I published this article twenty years ago. I regret to say...

John Stackhouse
2 min read
On “Dr. Jill Biden” & Medical Status Anxiety
The ignoramus who wrote in the WSJ about Jill Biden not being a real doctor (because she isn’t a physician, but holds a Doctor of...

John Stackhouse
2 min read
Whose Issue?
City streets are filling with demonstrators on behalf of black and indigenous victims of police brutality, and against racism generally....

John Stackhouse
4 min read
Should the Statues Come Down?
It’s easy to mock all the statue-removers as crazy mobs accomplishing nothing on behalf of the real victims of racism, past and present....

John Stackhouse
3 min read
Quebec, Education, Parents, Religion: A Recipe for Conflict
The Coalition Avenir Québec continues its remarkable record of concentrating power in the provincial government on behalf of its pure...

John Stackhouse
3 min read
“The Future Is Already Here…”
So says William Gibson, the American author who followed his wife to her native Vancouver and from there has spun out his tales of the...

John Stackhouse
3 min read
“I (Don’t) Like the Leader” Isn’t the Way to Vote
Sadly, of course, both political parties and the political press insist on characterizing modern elections in just this way. Leaders, not...

John Stackhouse
3 min read
Spirituality and the Spa: How Did Self-Indulgence Become Impressive?
The New York Times recently featured a meditation on “The New Spiritual Consumerism: On shows like ‘Queer Eye,’ makeovers, shopping and...

John Stackhouse
3 min read
It’s Such a Big, Needy World: What Can I Do?
This week we confront the appalling suffering of the Rohingya people at the hands of their fierce former neighbours in Myanmar/Burma....