John Stackhouse
5 min read
And…He’s Out: A Riposte to Daniel Silliman’s Attempted Assault on Bebbington’s Quadrilateral
Daniel Silliman, news editor at Christianity Today magazine, recently took on some big leaguers without, alas, making much contact....

John Stackhouse
19 min read
Christianity and Other Religions: Clarifying Terms & Issues
how Christians are to understand other religions, the destiny of the unevangelized, the basis for salvation, the nature of general and spec

John Stackhouse
18 min read
Evangelicals, World Religions, and the Destiny of the Unevangelized: What Is “Inclusivism"
What is at stake goes far beyond the question of evangelical missionary work.

John Stackhouse
2 min read
Was Billy Graham “the Last Nonpartisan Evangelical”?
(RNS) — In the wake of Billy Graham’s death, several major media outlets ran columns suggesting that the evangelist was the “last...

John Stackhouse
4 min read
Why It’s Not Just Nominal Evangelicals Supporting Donald Trump
(Religion News Service) — Since Donald Trump became president, many of us have wondered: Why would reasonable, mainstream evangelicals...

John Stackhouse
3 min read
Is the Term “Evangelical” Over?
The media are full of anguished testimonies of people formerly identified as “evangelical” declaring that it has been irrevocably...

John Stackhouse
3 min read
What the Governor-General Got Right
I was a bit hard on Her Majesty’s representative last week as I encouraged her to stick to what she knows and what her office...
John Stackhouse
2 min read
Evangelicals, Elites, and Alternative Facts
Molly Worthen, a reputable scholar of American evangelicalism who teaches at the estimable University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill,...
John Stackhouse
1 min read
Anthropological Confusion, Epistemological Failure: Mainstream Media and Moderate, Orthodox Christia
A recent article on conservative trolls among the roiling White House press corps in The New Yorker can stand for a general ferment of...

John Stackhouse
2 min read
“Babylon Bee” Bought by TBN & CDM, Repents of “Fake News”
Orlando, FL (AP) — In an announcement that took the Christian broadcasting world by surprise, the publishers of online religious satire...
John Stackhouse
2 min read
Two Straws in the Wind: Evangelicals and the US Election
Factoid 1: Franklin Graham all-but-explicitly endorsed Donald Trump on the eve of the election. Factoid 2: Wheaton College students,...

John Stackhouse
4 min read
The Ghost of Jerry Falwell Haunts the GOP Still
The following post was prompted by the recent Pew poll that found churchgoing white evangelicals (otherwise not defined) as supporting...
John Stackhouse
2 min read
Power vs. THE Power
Just a quick thought as I sit in the Moncton Airport waiting to fly west. New Brunswick is Canada’s only officially bilingual province....
John Stackhouse
4 min read
Trump, American Evangelicals, and “the Establishment”
I know, I know: You’re sick of reading about Trump, thinking about Trump, waking up from nightmares about Trump…me, too. Still, a friend...
John Stackhouse
3 min read
Mr. Trump, Evangelicals, The Globe, and Crucial Distinctions
Canada’s newspaper of record, the Toronto Globe and Mail, expresses astonishment that Donald Trump, “a profane, thrice-married worshipper...
John Stackhouse
4 min read
Too Cool for the Gospel?
One could read a lot of pages of GQ (and its brethren) before one would expect to find a fair-minded portrait of evangelical...
John Stackhouse
5 min read
Allah and Yhwh…and Tash and Aslan
Just a little more on this issue of “Which God is which?” As I implied at the end of my previous post, but now will say explicitly: I...
John Stackhouse
4 min read
Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God?
Prof. Larycia Hawkins of Wheaton College, Illinois, made news when she said she would wear a headscarf (or hijab) through Advent in...
John Stackhouse
3 min read
Evangelicals and the Canadian Election
Just finished talking about the election on Monday with friends Angus Reid and Janet Epp Buckingham on Drew Marshall‘s radio show. A few...

John Stackhouse
3 min read
In Memoriam: Ian S. Rennie
Ian was one of those scholars who perhaps know more than they can handle. (Others of us, of course, know less than we seem to.) His...