John Stackhouse
2 min read
Evangelical Elites Avoiding Church?
Much has been written about Michael Lindsay’s recently published study on evangelical elites in America, summarized here in a USA Today...
John Stackhouse
3 min read
Leadership Structures as If We Believed What We Preach
Christianity Today magazine recently published a troubling article about a group of churches in the United States associated with Calvary...
John Stackhouse
3 min read
Of Course It Matters that Mitt Romney Is a Mormon
(Longtime readers of this weblog will know that I published a version of this post some years ago. But it seems, somehow, newly...
John Stackhouse
2 min read
William Wilberforce as Evangelical Leftist?
Folks on the Religious Right continue to sputter in outrage as evangelicals get involved in HIV/AIDS work in Africa (and at home), as...

John Stackhouse
5 min read
Seminary: Who Needs It?
If you survey leaders of megachurches in the United States…if you consider most leaders of the burgeoning house church movement in...