John Stackhouse
2 min read
Jesus Mocks
Paul doesn’t speak of Jesus who just died, but of Jesus who was crucified. He thus drives the stake of the Cross into the heart of...

John Stackhouse
4 min read
A Bestselling Thriller Author Gets Good Friday Wrong
In his popular recent novel, The Order, thriller writer Daniel Silva decides in the name of Judaism to launch a missile at Christianity....

John Stackhouse
3 min read
What We Can Learn from Easter 2018
I write this on Good Friday 2018, but I could have written something like it on any day, any year. For the more some things change, it...

John Stackhouse
5 min read
What’s Good about (Bloody) Good Friday? Some Thoughts on the Atonement
A correspondent recently wrote: “I’m more baffled than ever about the Atonement. I sometimes feel like banging my head against the wall...