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Faith as Yessing

Writer's picture: John StackhouseJohn Stackhouse

Faith is often defined as a posture, an attitude, especially a posture or attitude of trust. I have gladly defined it that way myself.

Defined this way, however, Christian faith sounds a bit static, like the posture of a statue or the attitude of a mirror. The experience of faith, of course, is dynamic—and organic. It is not a once-for-all adoption of a pose, but the adoption of a position—and a position relative to a moving God.

So I wonder if faith can be defined better, maybe like this:

Faith is the continual yielding of ourselves to God, the constant “Yes” we say—or, even better, the “yessing” we keep offering to God—as we walk in step with the Spirit.

Such openness to God, such welcoming of the Spirit, such shouldering of Jesus’ yoke, such embracing of our identity, such pursuit of our mission means a constant stream of God into us/welling up from within us, God flowing through us, and God pouring out of us.

Faith therefore is a basic mindset of cooperation, yes, but a mindset that is active in constant “yessing” and thus active in constant reliance, cooperation, thanksgiving, wonder, and joy. Indeed, on second thought, it is always, “Yes, please,” as faith is always aware of, and always revels in, our dependence upon God. So: “Yes, please, Lord!” all day…

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