Ruth Padilla DeBorst at Regent This Summer
Please consider enrolling in one or both of the two courses we’re featuring this summer by Ruth Padilla DeBorst, a leading theological educator and activist in Latin America. Ruth will be leading classes on “The Whole Gospel: Mission Out of a Radical Evangelical Matrix” and “Sacred Activism: Mission for Whole People in a Fractured World.”

As some of you well know, Regent’s faculty is not overpopulated by women of colour whose first language is Spanish and who inhabit a life pattern of critical change! (Ahem.) So when we have one coming to teach, I’d like us to capitalize on this blessing all we can.
Ruth is a superb speaker, deeply grounded in Scripture and in the context of Latin America, nicely connecting theoria and praxis. It is a rare privilege to have someone like this generously take time away from her pressing commitments in the rest of the world to instruct, exhort, and encourage us. So do consider coming—and remember that you’re most welcome to audit the classes…and pay less to do so!
Thanks also for spreading the word to one or two people you can think of now who might be interested.
(I’m resorting to my weblog to do more of these “infomercials” because, hard as our marketing team works, as I travel I keep coming across many, many people who would love to come to Regent if they only knew about us or if they only knew that So-and-So was speaking about such-and-such.)